The Mermaid Trilogy

The Mermaid Trilogy


The Mermaid Trilogy is a story about Lorelei Harte, a young girl raised in an American backwater by an emotionally abusive mother and how she obtains her goal of becoming a respected journalist.



The Siren of Loreley Rock

Grieving for her father who disappears when Lorelei is eight years old, Lorelei eventually finds sanctuary in the arms of a man-child. In Book One, The Siren of Loreley Rock, Lorelei survives her mother’s cruel belittlements and takes her first steps towards realizing her dream of becoming a journalist.

Tragedy befalls her and in protest of the Vietnam War, Lorelei becomes a conscientious objector and exiles herself to Greece.
Having learned how to be a journalist under the tutelage of Philip Papadopoulos, Lorelei marriesher Greek mentor. Together, their news stories lambast the military junta that ruled Greece in the 1960’s and 1970’s. One of their “backdoor” articles is leaked and to avoid being hung for treason, theyescape by sea.

Back in the States, Lorelei realizes her pie-in-the-sky, teenybopper dream, ousts her mother, and runs her mother’s newspaper empire. However, both of them miss the adrenalin-rush of reporting in-country and in 1975, Lorelei and Philip are in Beirut, covering the Lebanese Civil War.

The Mermaid Hunters

What happens in Book Two, The Mermaid Hunters, upturns Lorelei’s life and she makes a decision which changes her life forever.

Now reconnected with her “disappeared” father, Lorelei and Billy explore their Irish heritage. In doing so, Lorelei meets Gerry Adams, the head of Sinn Féin, a revolutionary party opposed to the British occupation of Northern Ireland. The internationally respected, Pulitzer prize winning journalist, Lorelei tackles domestic scandals and uncovers the Savings and Loan fiasco as well as Iran-Contra. Trying to handle the duel responsibilities of motherhood and career, she freelances for the Southern Poverty Law Center in Montgomery, Alabama, covering their cases that eviscerate the Klu Klux Klan.


The Merrow’s Red Hat

In Book Three, The Merrow’s Red Hat, Lorelei switches gears and compiles the first biography ever written about the elusive Gerry Adams, head of Sinn Féin. He has a bull’s-eye on his back and Lorelei, drawn into The Troubles, is targeted as well. Both kidnapped and tortured, the undaunted journalist continues her battle against oppression. However, her personal life suffers.


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